SpoEd Dutch Game Night

SpoEd Dutch Game Night

Dear Members,

Do you have a passion for board and old Dutch games? Then come to the SpoEd Dutch games evening. Compete with your fellow students while enjoying tasty Dutch snacks and a nice drink, for only 3 euros! The games night will be held in the FooBar (Niels Bohrweg 1) and will last from 17.00h till 19.00h. If you have 'the perfect game' at home, don't hesitate and take it with you. We look forward to seeing you all on November 8th in the FooBar for our Dutch games evening, you can register via the „Aesculapius” website.

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Contact opnemen?

L.P.S.V. „Aesculapius”

Einsteinweg 55
Telefoonnummer: 071-5274601
e-mail: bestuur@aesculapius.nl

Ab-actiaat t.a.v. I.F.C. Blom
Gorlaeus Laboratoria
Postbus 9502