Dear reader,
This year, the SQ-linair editors exist exactly 50 years! We are going to celebrate this by putting out four beautiful editions for our readers. The SQ has been set up to inform Aesculapen and honorary members about everything that is going on within the association. You can read about activities organized by the committees of Aesculapius. Think about the freshmen weekend and the excursion abroad. This way you can get to know the different committees. We also collect the best pictures on the photo pages so you can get an impression of the activities Aesculapius organizes.
Another article you will find in every edition is a scientific article. You can read about a current news item within the field. Last year, for example, we wrote about hypnosis therapy. Many editions also contain an interview with, for example, committees, members or people who work at the university. In addition, each edition has a different theme with associated articles so every SQ remains a surprise.
Together with six enthusiastic writers, I form the editorial committee of the SQ-linair. The committee currently consists of Willemijn Meijer, Rebecca Ultee, Glenn van Veldhoven, Marleen Schipper, Frédérique Ruijgrok and Fleur van der Ende. In the first edition of this year we all introduce ourselves so you can get to know us better. The editorial team can change during the year, because the SQ-linair is an ongoing committee. This means that during every ALV, general members meeting, committee members can join or leave. This keeps the editorial team fresh and we keep coming up with new ideas. If you want to know more about our beautiful magazine you can mail to Enjoy reading!
Then it only remains for me to say: 'Speaking is silver, writing is gold'.
On behalf of the SQ-linair editorial,
Noëlle Ros
h.t. chief editor